How To Start Building Credit When You Turn 18

Turning 18 is a massive milestone for your finances. It’s a time that you start thinking about taking on debt for school, you might be applying for jobs to save money and it’s also one of the first times that you can start applying for financial products. With student loans and credit cards on the table, it’s important to focus on building good credit early on so that you can set yourself up to eventually qualify for a mortgage, car loan, and more. Here are some strategies for success in building your credit when you turn 18.

Pay On Time

With any bill or credit card product, it’s important that you’re paying on time. Paying bills is one of the most important aspects of building your credit and if you have payments that are more than 30 days late, it can create a massive problem with your credit score.


Making sure that you are establishing the right ratio of outstanding credit card balance and your limits are important. Make sure that you are only carrying a balance that’s 30% of your available credit at any time.

Establish A Credit History Right Away

If you have a long-standing history of credit card use, phone bills, and other utilization, this can provide you with a stronger foothold for financial flexibility later on.

Don’t Overspend

As soon as you start to carry debt it’s very hard for you to get approved for future loans and it can get out of control quickly. Never spend outside of your comfort zone and always have a plan for paying back debts as soon as possible rather than carrying interest in your accounts.

Contact us today if you are having problems building your credit even at a young age.

This post was written by Kristian D’An, owner of Lux Credit LLC and CCA board certified credit repair specialist. Lux Credit offers credit repair services for those looking to improve their credit!

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